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An innovative app focused on enhancing the dinning experience.


The inspiration began in a tea house. My first experience occurred when I ordered a cup of tea, and I was overwhelmed by a sense of joy and curiosity. This encounter sparked my desire to learn more about the robot and its intersection with UX Design. Widely used in Asia, it already serves thousands of workers and customers.

How would our communities react to this robot and what kind of innovation would it bringing?

According to Pudu's website, Shenzhen-based and founded in 2016, Pudu Robotics is a world-leading tech-focused enterprise dedicated to the design, R&D, production and sales of commercial service robots on a mission to use robots to improve the efficiency of human production and living.

The Problem 

The Pudu robots have limited functionality. They only assist in bringing food to the customer. 



2 week project

Team & Role

Natasha Centeno, UX Designer & Researcher in collaboration with the Design Lead. 



Optimal Workshop 

Google Forms 

The Experience

A QR code on the robot directs you to the restaurants website so you can access the robots. The user has full control, allowing them a complete experience with the robot, a hybrid, or only a server. 75% of users wanted this feature based on the research conducted.

For something radically new, how can it feel familiar and intuitive to use for all generations?

Key Insights 


Opportunities for Growth & Innovation 

90% of users wanted to use the website and the features created. Some people did not want take-out, felt uncomfortable, emotionally available to interact with restaurant staff, or wanted a speedier experience while dinning in person.

Smiley Face.png

An Excellent Experience

80% of users found the mobile website intuitive, accessible, and enjoyed the user interface.

During usability testing, users expressed excitement to use a new feature and the process felt natural.

The Foundation

Homepage HF.png
 Menu HF.png
Homepage Menu HF-1.png
▶ Homepage HF.png


Homepage HF.png
Homepage HF-1.png
Homepage HF-3.png
Homepage HF-2.png

Requesting Asssitance

Homepage for TASKS.png
Missing HP 2.png
Homepage for TASKS-1.png
TASK Request 3.png



Click play to listen to interview recordings. All participants gave the researcher permission to record and use the audio. 


After conducting usability testing, the following changes were made. 

Homepage Iteration 1.png

The progress bar did not help users. Rather it confused and users did not express a desire for this feature on the homepage.

Some users felt confused on what the function of the buttons. Users felt more comfortable if it the interaction mirrored a conversation held with a server. 

Homepage HF.png

Simplified and unified design plus function. 

Clarity in text. 

TASK Request 1.png

Wording change to reflect an interaction with a server. The small text had accessibility  problems.

One more task for the user. Users preferred to se all options due to having a short list. 

Homepage for TASKS.png

Wording clarified and increased accessibility. 

Simplified for the user. 

Cancel button added. Icon understood by users. 

Learnings & Challenges 

  • There was a limited demographic of users who interacted with a robot at a restaurant.

  • Depending on the logistics of each restaurant. The design could be advantageous or disadvantageous to the users and restaurant staff.

  • From the preliminarily research conducted, I could not find any previous mental models for navigating a serving robot. This proved to be challenging due to not wanting confuse customers on how to interact with the robot.


I gathered participants from online communities and social media to ensure variety. Even with randomized samples there were still more users who have not interacted with the robot than experience with the robot.

For example when I spoke with the employees at the tea cafe, they really enjoyed using the robot. They thought it improved efficiency when there were not many customers.

Due to the narrow shape of the cafe and if it gets busy then the robot can become a nuisance due to occupying too much space. Sometimes customers or employees might bump into the robot which would then cause the drink or food to spilled causing more work for the workers.

Using empathy, imagination, and critical thinking skills helped in shaping the design.

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